You Are What You Do

J. Samuel
2 min readFeb 3, 2021
Image by DanaTentis from Pixabay

You are what you do. I’m not talking about habits, which have more to do with your personal routines and behaviors. I’m referring to your lot in life; what you do.

Hearing that may impulsively lead you to ask yourself, what do I do? Which is a great question to ask, because quite frankly, I don’t believe most people pay close enough attention to really know. What they do know is their job; the task they perform at work. But if you ask them what they do, the answer may vary.

Whether we like it or not, we are what we spend most of our time doing. If I spend most of my time fixing cars, I’m a mechanic. We aren’t what we intend to be, we are what we do most consistently. Everything else is secondary.

If you’re a Waiter but claim to be an Actor, and you aren’t currently doing anything concerning acting—not going to auditions, not taking classes, not reading scripts, not even acting in a play—are you really an Actor?

Examine yourself and truly pay attention to what you’re doing. Because what you spend most of your time doing is what you are. Time envelops our actions into the substance we call our lives, creating what we ultimately believe we’re capable of being. The real reason you aren’t doing it is because you don’t truly believe you can. If you did, you would invest the time.

Fix your actions to shadow the life you want, and eventually what will be manifested is whatever you put your hand to. We manifest our reality not by what we think, but by what we fix our bodies to do. You are what you do, so do what you want to be. And don’t overthink it.

