How To Come Out Of A Poverty Mindset And Change Your Life

J. Samuel
3 min readMar 25, 2021
Photo by Pixabay:

Who’s responsible for where you are right now in life? Understanding this will be the determining factor of if you will remain there or not. The level we remain at is a direct result of the limitations and abundance of our thinking.


If you really want to see change in your life, you have to realize it’s not going to happen on its own. If you’re religious, God isn’t going to snap His fingers like a genie and poof your life into shape. You’re going to have to put in the work. However way you look at it, if you want to see change, you have to get to the root cause.


If you think poor, you will act in accordance to your poor thoughts. To get to the root cause, the first thing you have to do is STOP THINKING POOR. Come up in your thinking. Choose your thoughts. When you do this, you will begin to make different decisions, which will lead you in different directions. But if you keep doing the same thing, you’ll keep getting the same results. The root cause is your thinking. Change your thinking and your life will begin to change.


No one gets wealthy in mind and life by accident. The sum is accumulated from a series of decisions (or maybe even a few) that got you to where you are today. If your life is mediocre, realize it doesn’t have to stay that way. Everything you do is a decision. A choice. EVERYTHING. From what you wear and eat, to where you live and work. Choices brought you to where you are today.

Demand more of yourself! Study more. Learn more. Become more. Change your standards from ‘Ok’ to ‘EXCELLENCE’. Stop thinking little. You move in the direction of your thoughts, and if your thoughts are small, your life will be small. Convince yourself that ‘just enough’ isn’t good enough. Your standards will determine the level you reach in whatever you do. Upgrade your standards and your life will change.


If you want to upgrade your standards, you have to adjust your perspective. If the only thoughts that circulate in your mind are the same ones you always think, how can you grow? And how can you grow if you aren’t learning anything new? You have to expose your mind to better thinking. To More! But first, it’s going to take you being honest with yourself and realizing that the way you currently think is poor.

If you don’t see there’s a problem with your thinking, you won’t change it, because you won’t see the need to change it. Therefore, nothing will change. Expose your mind to better thinking and living so your perspective can change. Doing so will ultimately upgrade your standards. Your standards are directly affected by how you think.


At the end of the day, your everyday decisions and habits will ultimately determine what your life will look like. You’re in charge. If you don’t like the life you’re living, change it! You can do that. You’re not a robot. And you’re not living according to a script. Life is malleable, so be malleable. Come up in every area of your life. That’s something you can start doing today.

Remember, if you’re poor in your habits, you’ll be poor in life. So don’t be satisfied with a basic, simple life when you can have an absolutely extraordinary one!

